ISSN 2277-7806
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Volume-II, Issue-I, January- March 2013
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Volume-I, Issue-I, January- March 2012
Pharmaceutical Science
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Volume-I, Issue-II, April-June 2012
Volume-I, Issue-III, July-September 2012
Volume-I, Issue-IV, October-December 2012
Law Issues
Volume-I, Issue-I, January-March 2012
Research Scapes
(An International Multi Disciplinary Journal)
A Socio-environmental developmental audit of a Village in India: Some reflections pressing dire needs for legal initiatives, environmental planning and management strategies in wake of globalization: A Case Study (P.K. Shukla) CLICK HERE TO ABSTRACT
Globalization is a boon for human being but it has its limited relevance only. It can prove to be a ban also for a man, society and environmental if proper attention is not devoted. Villages in India, likewise have received market- sustainable results of globalization but there can be adverse impacts as well for a larger human society, can be realized by going through this paper. The universe of the case study is a village which has attained returns of economic sufficiency and prosperity for almost total population of inhabitants but lost a lot in respects of environmental wealth, social customs and rituals, human attitudes of volitional fellow feeling etc. during a time span of twenty years. The results thus, present bewildering pictures of a village lost in terms of its age-old sanctity of precious magnificent benevolent characteristics for humanity, society, environment and nation. Accordingly, it is apt to remark: if a village is lost, India is lost for Indianness, as India resides in villages is the celebrated truthful adage.
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A Critical Jurisprudential Appraisal of Law and Justice in Crime of Honour Killings in India (Priyamvada Shukla) CLICK HERE TO ABSTRACT
Indian cultures are very deep rooted. Many young people in India have been done to death every year owing to 'Honour Killings'. It is because so?called honour killings are based on the belief, deeply rooted in Indian cultures, which consider the women as objects and commodities, and not as human beings endowed with dignity and rights. Most honour killings occur in countries like India where the concept of women is considered as a vessel of the family reputation. While honor killings have elicited considerable attention and outrage, the jurists and human rights activists argue that it is a matter of great concern and they should be regarded as part of a much larger problem of violence against women. Numbers of women are murdered by their families each year in the name of family "honor." It is difficult to get precise numbers on the phenomenon of honor killing; the murders frequently go unreported, the perpetrators unpunished, and the concept of family honour justifies the act in the eyes of some societies. Officials often claim that nothing can be done to halt the practice because the concept of women's rights is not culturally relevant to deeply patriarchal societies. There is no specific law in India to cover this crime.
This paper is an attempt to analyze the jurisprudential aspects of the crime of honour killings in India, and some suggestions have also been made to tackle this menace of society.
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Environmental Impart Analysis of Water Pollution in India (Surendra Kumar Gupta) CLICK HERE TO ABSTRACT
Water quality has become a major global concern due to ever increasing human developmental activities. Water is one of the most essential requirements for all living beings, Industrialization and human activity for a better quality of life has always resulted in some. Impact on the environment leadings to equilibrium imbalance of the natural system. Bolstered by recent legislative, administrative and judicial initiatives, environmental, regulation in India bristles with new and interesting features. Until the mid-eighties the regulatory system was fairly dull. In control and enforcement techniques, there was little to distinguish this field from the general body of law for instance, when parliament enacted the water act 1974. It adhered to the pattern of numerous other Indian statutes and created yet another agency administered licensing system this time to control effluent discharges into water. A breach of the Act Invite Judge imposed penalties. The body of case law too.
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